Monday, October 27, 2008

Hello Everybody!

Welcome to my new blog.  As I'm sure you can tell, I am very new to the ever-expanding world of blogging.  I had an inclination that this was more than a hobby to most people, but I honestly had no idea how enormous the industry and, shall I say neighborhood, actually was.  Now, only a few hours after deciding to make my own, I'm starting to wonder if I really have what it takes to succeed in this universe.  I am a sporadic write at best, writing what hits me when it hits me, and writing in any style I see fit at the time.  This will be an adventure in self-discipline and structure, which, I suppose, is one of my goals for this endeavor.  

I've been thinking more and more about my semi-near future these days which has sparked some sort of motivation to do something about it.  To be more specific, I have come to the realization that in order to achieve the mild fame and extravagant fortune that I see unfolding in years to come, I must start establishing a name for myself on a much smaller scale.  This means that I have to start writing, frequently and openly, about a wide range of topics, to show whomever may read this that I know how.  Now, I'll be perfectly honest, at times nothing will make sense.  I may write from the heart one day, I may propose an open question for discussion the next, and then I might just copy and paste something I didn't even write but found worth sharing.  This is just how I function.  I'm sure you do, too, in certain aspects.  Maybe you like to switch up your shampoo every third time you buy it, you know, just to be crazy!  

Another goal of mine is actually quite obvious.  I want to read what other people have to say too!  I want to read about things I've never experienced or learn how to do something I've never tried or disagree with someone on something I'm pretty passionate about or laugh out loud or cry unabashedly over people I don't know at all.  I need to immerse myself into the world of words in order to make my niche there for the rest of my life.  Hmm, perhaps I should think of some sort of gimmick, something I can add to the end of each entry, something worth returning for next time...Nah, I think I should just concentrate on improving my writing and therefore improving my life and myself.

At the very least, you could keep reading to see how many commas I incorrectly use.      



At October 27, 2008 at 3:59 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

If you're interested, starting on Saturday there's a HUGE event starting that takes place every single November (since 1999) called NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). It's a site that encourages authors/writers to write 50,000 words in a month. VERY fun. This will be my third year participating. :)

You can find me under Jessi_Rose

Good for you - words are VERY important. Hope to see more from you!!!! =D


(Jessica/Jessi/you know me =P)

At October 27, 2008 at 5:16 PM , Blogger Nicole said...

Cool, I will definitely check it out.

Hey, how do I get to see your blog page? And for that matter, how do I get to anybody else's blog? That's the only thing I can't figure out on this site, so far.

Happy Belated Birthday!!

At October 28, 2008 at 5:58 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks!! :D

My blog has nothing on it yet. When I start doing the NaNo in November, it'll have lots of things - because I have to vent somewhere.

To see my blog, though, you can just click on my name - the blue thingy is the link to it.

To see anyone else's, I've found that clicking this: .. and then going up top at the left and clicking 'next blog' works :P

Yeah, I can't make it more simple. Blogger's a bit difficult to maneuver sometimes.


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